Niels Bakker (
Thu, 13 Apr 1995 10:21:20 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Stephen Potter wrote:

> > I have never seen a "real" Unix system with 16 meg total memory (phys.
> > memory and swap space). I'm not talking about your poor PC running
> > linux or something like that...
> Actually, it happens in the real world fairly often:
> xxx% dmesg | grep mem | head -1
> mem = 16384 K (0x100000)
~ $ dmesg |grep mem
mem = 32768K (0x2000000)
avail mem = 27357184

That's one of our 12 SparcClassic.. our numerous SparcStations have 28 Mb 
RAM, our SparcServers (totalling 5) have 128 Mb or even ~170 Mb.
And double that for swap.

> I've got at least a couple of machines here like that.  Mostly sparc1 and
> sparc1+.  Old machines that don't have a huge use (all our development
> takes place on Indys and a couple of Sparc 5s and 10s).
> Granted, these machines do have more swap space (about 64m).

Just my $.02 cents worth.. :)
